Monday, April 27, 2020


Introduction Innovations in internet technologies have affected various facets of an individual life, in the flow, transmission of information and enjoyment. Internet technologies improve efficiency, reliability and timely distribution of information as well as shaping â€Å"dating world† of people across the globe (Cooper et al, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet- Mediated Information Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mantovani (2001) attests that internet mediated communications provides a new pattern of meeting people and forming long-term relationships. According to Albright and Conran (2003), the internet simplifies interaction among people located in varying destinations within a short because of its reasonable costs. This advantage makes the internet –mediated technology better suited for arguing online romance. Lawson and Leck (2006) argue the internet and its techn ologies have altered understanding sex, dating and romantic relationship of individuals. Hence, it will remain a future platform where romantic relationships will be framed. Cyber – Love and Cyber-flirting Online dating of late has become a booming business. This has been a reality to many people because of the internet driven technology. The technology has revolutionized the trend of falling in love. Traditionally, online dating was a solution to many when off-line dating failed. Merkle and Richardson (2000) view the role of the internet mediated communication as a basis of forming online friendship. When this bond develops, individuals begin to experience a shift towards a more intimate relationship leading to a date or in other words, romantic relationship. This is termed cyber-love. This is characterized with secure attachment, cyber flirting and romantic gestures (Levine, 2000). Attachment creates a crisis of continuously being online, interacting and sharing love with s omeone and ultimately meeting. Among the teenagers or youth in general, early period of their growth is critical, hence. They feel a lack of affection. They feel attached to loving and romantic settings, caring and online chat grants this feature. Merkle and Richardson (2000) argue that teenagers view an online presence as valuable because they can find someone who is passionate, caring and understanding. According to Whitty and Carr (2003), progress in fixing a dating bond encompasses online romantic gestures. E-dating gestures work in underpinning the flourishing interests in intimate friendship. This is expressed in sending, e-smiles, emoticons and e-card. Romantic gestures are tied with cyber-flirting. Flirting is an action that suggests a message of arousing interest (Alapack et al, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cyber-flirting is characterized by a verbal dan ce, in which a barrier or sexuality intend of a person is not clearly known. This is to explain that, cyber-flirting differs with online gestures in that the former; the interests of sexual attachment may not be forthcoming. In e-dating, signs of love are evident unlike in cyber-flirting. The message is primarily about sex (Wallace, 1999). Individuals involved in cyber-flirting passes the message of sexual interests and attachment to their ideal partners. Friendship: Support, Socialization and Sharing According to Ben-Ze’ev (2004), forming friendship before online dating allows individuals to know each other with little efforts of emotional commitment and to model confidence and trust. Hence, for most people, online friendship succeeds three significant roles; support, sharing and socialization (Cooper et al, 2000). For teenagers, online friendship is launched with a goal of gaining more opportunities to socialize; have laughter, and a good time. They use multi-user text-base d virtual realities accessible using the internet, messaging and chats. These facilities allow them opportunities to interact with other online friends. Ben-Ze’ev (2004) point out that these kinds of interactions, provides an opportunity for fixing a strong relationship which can lead to e-dating and romance. The internet has simplified sharing of files, music and pictures among e- friends, becoming a conventional phenomenon for majority people. Significantly, individuals go a step further by supplementing; sharing of their beliefs, values, attitudes through social Medias such as; Facebook, MySpace, Twitter among other sites (Wolak et al, 2004). Historically, when an individual identify a potential friend with whom they share common views, attitudes, tenets and collective deeds, the bond of attachment advances, prompting dating.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet- Mediated Information Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $1 1/page Learn More Cornwell and Lundgren (2001) agree in that â€Å"through chatting, a sense of friendship forms, sharing ideas and automatically a new bondage of friendship is formed. Through this, a person can start mailing each other by means of the internet, talking about daily lives; the situation can lead people being â€Å"lovers† (Cornwell and Lundgren, 2001). The internet -mediated communication strengthens contact through Chance, curiosity. Albright and Conran (2003) indicate that the success of online date, sex, or romantic occurs by chance. This can occur while an individual is embracing e-messenger, chat, e-mail thus coincidentally meeting other individuals (Albright and Conran, 2003). Also, curiosity has also driven individuals in embracing online sex and romance. This has been specifically happening to teens (Brown, 1999). By a majority accessing dating sites available freely online, they seem committed to knowing how it feels or done when in su ch a romantic relationship (Brehm, 1992). Internet technologies are more exciting because of its rapidity, power and vastness, therefore; these features entice an individual. According to Thompson (1990), the internet -mediated technologies allow things to happen so rapidly. Social Effects of internet-mediated Communication Social effects arising from internet-mediated information activities and communications have been on the rise fixing unethical problems in contemporary society. One area of big concern is the children (Albright, and Conran, 2003). Children have been affected strongly because of early exposure to online pornography. Online sex criminals prey for innocent children’s destabilizing the social norm of the society. Besides, the technology has lessened face-to-face interaction because the society views online presence as an alternative form of â€Å"Socializing†. This has reduced the conventional methods of strengthening the off-line relationship and socia l skills in the society (Forester, 1985). Privacy is regarded as an individual right. Some social and dating sites do not support the needed protection on handling and storage of individual information.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At a times, they use the information collected from unsuspecting individuals online to fulfill their own interests the consent of the individual (Albright, and Conran, 2003). In this case, they can risk and individual character or ethics and expose him or her to more risks. Conclusion The internet- mediated communication has strengthened human interaction with the virtual world. Hence, the virtual world has provided a suitable playground where companionship as well as a place where all individuals can build long-term romantic relationships (Cornwell, and Lundgre, 2003). Under security, the cyberspace gives many a framework to engage in online sexual activities, flirting among other things. With powerful tools, such as; secure â€Å"private† chats rooms, subscription fees and passwords, the internet technology will rise to be complete in dating life of the society. References List Alapack, R.J., Blichfeldt, M.E., Elden Ã…. (2005) ‘Flirting on the Internet and the Hic key: Hermeneutic’, Cyber Psychology Behaviour. (8), 1, pp. 2-61. Albright, J.M., Conran, T. (2003) ‘Desire, Love and Betrayal: Constructing and Deconstructing Intimacy Online’ Journal of Systemic Therapies, (22), 3, pp. 42- 53 Ben-Ze’ev, A. (2004). Love Online. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press Brehm, S.S., (1992). Intimate Relationships. New York McGraw-Hill Press Brown, B.B., (1999) ‘You’re Going Out With Who?: Peer Group Influences on Adolescent. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 291 – 329. Cooper, A., Mcloughlin. I. P., Campbell, K.M., (2000) ‘Sexuality in Cyberspace: Update for the 21st Century.’ Cyber Psychology Behavior, (3), 4, pp. 521 – 536. Cornwell, B. Lundgren, D.C., (2001) ‘Love on the Internet: Involvement and Misrepresentation in Romantic Relationships in Cyberspace vs. Realspace’. Computers in Human Behavior, (17), pp. 197 – 211. Forester, T. (1985). The Inform ation Technology Revolution, Massachusetts, MIT Press, Lawson, H.M., Leck, K. (2006) ‘Dynamics of Internet Dating’. Social Science Computer Review, (24), 2, pp. 189 – 208. Levine, D. (2000) ‘Virtual Attraction: What Rocks Your Boat’. Cyber Psychology Behavior, (3), 4, pp. 565 – 573. Mantovani, F. (2001) ‘Cyber-Attraction: The Emergence of Computer-Mediated Communication in the Development of Interpersonal Relationships’, New Perspectives on Miscommunication IOS Press, pp. 236 – 250. Merkle, E.R., Richardson, A.R., (2000) ‘Digital Dating and Virtual Relating: Conceptualizing Computer Mediated Romantic Relationships’. Family Relations, (49), 2, pp.187 – 192. Whitty, M.T., Carr, A.N., (2003) ‘Cyberspace as Potential Space: Considering the Web as a Playground to Cyber-Flirt’. Human Relations, (56), 7, pp. 861 – 891. Wolak, J., Finkelhor, D. Mitchell, K.J. (2004) ‘Internet-Initi ated Sex Crimes against Minors: Implications for Prevention Based on Findings from a National Study’Journal of Adolescent Health, (35), 5, pp. 424– 424 Wallace, P. (1999) The Psychology of the Internet. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press This essay on Internet- Mediated Information Communication was written and submitted by user Pedro Green to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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